

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in Nebraska. Because Nebraskans work outdoors in the farm and ranch businesses, sun exposure may be excessive, especially if protective measures are not taken. Over a lifetime, pre-neoplastic conditions (actinic keratoses, lentigo maligna) and cancers of the skin may occur in sun damaged parts of the body. NEBRASKA MELANOMA CENTER®'s products and services "center" on our committment to patients by enabling primary healthcare providers to make better medical decisions to improve and save skin cancer "at risk" patient's lives.

Request an Appointment

Park your car only once ("one-stop") to see our healthcare providers and consultants. We collaborate and care deeply about addressing fear, answering your questions, reducing anxiety and providing reassurance to patients and their families.

If you would like to request an appointmet with NEBRASKA MELANOMA CENTER®, fill out this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Nebraska Melanoma Center

611 West Francis Street
North Platte, NE 69101

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